What year is it?… | October 5, 2023 | THE TWO MINUTE DRILL
What year is it? Deborah S. Proctor, general manager of a North Carolina radio station, wants to protect listeners from certain damnation.
What year is it? Deborah S. Proctor, general manager of a North Carolina radio station, wants to protect listeners from certain damnation.
Where are They Going? | Where are all the gay white male opera admins going? Are they starting their own super opera company in P-town?
In the ‘Two Minute Drill’… It’s Ying Fang. YING. FANG. Not WANG FAN…
In the ‘Two-Minute Drill’… It’s the slap heard around the world. No, not at the Oscars, at France’s Berlioz Festival… Opera Box Score | Your source of news about opera… weekly.
It’s transition season in sports and on the OBS… We let you know what’s new on this season’s college football gridiron, we handicap the men’s draw of the US Open, and we recap Season 8 highlights.
It is with sadness and concern that we mark the passing of an operatic icon and demise of a cultural institution.
Steve Reich | May 18, 2023 | THE TWO MINUTE DRILL